WEAAD 2023 Webinar: Trauma-Informed Practices to Address Abuse and Build Resilience
Source: National Center on Elder Abuse
Published: 2023
Preventing and addressing elder abuse and building resilience in older adults requires a nuanced and trauma-informed approach. Trauma is a widespread issue that affects individuals in different ways. Older adults are exposed to multiple types of traumas over the lifetime as well as older adult-specific traumas, including the loss of spouse/ partner, social isolation, chronic illness or disability, change in living environment, and elder abuse. This panel webinar will discuss the cumulative and complex trauma histories of diverse older adults, how trauma relates to elder abuse, and strategies to provide culturally responsive and trauma-informed support.
Link: WEAAD 2023 Webinar: Trauma-Informed Practices to Address Abuse and Build Resilience
Topics: Caregiving, Diversity/Cultural Competency, Prevention/Intervention
Access: Web-based
Intended Use: Self-directed Learning
Audience: Advocates, Caregivers, Community, Health Care, Social Services