An Intersectional and Multi-Disciplinary Look at Elder Mistreatment and the African American Community: Sharing New Resources and Strategies for Impact

Source: National Center on Elder Abuse

Published: 2020


This webinar will explore the mistreatment of African American elders in the United States and the relationship between structural racism and ongoing inequities on elders. Presenters will discuss available legal supports, services, and resources to prevent and mitigate elder mistreatment within the African American community.


Donna Benton, PhD
Director of the USC Family Caregiver Support Center
Read more:

Juanita Davis, JD
Associate Director of the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
Read more:

Katie Block, MSW, MPH
Project Coordinator of the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
Read more:

Vivianne Mbaku, JD
Senior staff attorney of Justice in Aging
Read more:


PowerPoint Slide

Link: An Intersectional and Multi-Disciplinary Look at Elder Mistreatment and the African American Community: Sharing New Resources and Strategies for Impact

Topics: Legal, Multidisciplinary Teams

Access: Download, Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning, Teaching Others

Audience: Advocates, Community, Legal/Law Enforcement
