Where Faith and Safety Meet: Building Partnerships with Faith Communities to Keep Older Adults Safer
Source: NAPSA
Published: 2019
Join NAPSA’s Regional Representative Advisory Board (RRAB) as we welcome presenters Rev. Dr. Anne Marie Hunter and Alyson Morse Katzman, MPA to learn more about the important intersection of faith and abuse, why faith is so important to older adults, and how you can begin to build partnerships with local faith leaders.
Anne Marie Hunter is an ordained United Methodist pastor who has worked extensively in the field of domestic violence and elder abuse. Hunter received a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School and a Ph.D. in Religion and Society from Drew University. While attending Harvard and Drew, Hunter worked for two battered women’s service groups: Harbor Me in East Boston, Massachusetts and Jersey Battered Women’s Services in Morristown, New Jersey. Hunter served for six years as the pastor of East Saugus United Methodist Church in Saugus, Massachusetts. Hunter also founded Safe Havens Interfaith Partnership Against Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse, a religiously pluralistic nonprofit. Working as a bridge, Safe Havens works locally and nationally to strengthen the capacity of diverse faith communities and service providers to collaborate to end domestic violence and elder abuse through education, resources, and technical assistance. Since 2003, Safe Havens has partnered with the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life to provide national Technical Assistance to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women. OVW-funded projects have resulted in new resources on elder abuse and faith called Where Faith and Safety Meet: Faith Communities Respond to Elder Abuse as well as a new Elder Abuse and Faith training curriculum.
Alyson Morse Katzman earned her Master’s Degree in Public Administration from New York University. Alyson creates, coordinates, and implements Safe Havens’ local and national outreach, advocacy, and education regarding sexual and domestic violence and elder abuse. Alyson also provides national technical assistance on domestic violence and faith, elder abuse and faith, and domestic and sexual violence and faith in rural communities through Safe Havens’ national Technical Assistance projects, which are funded by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women. Alyson is actively involved in Greater Boston’s Jewish Domestic Violence Coalition as well as in Jewish Women International’s Interfaith Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Alyson has extensive experience in public and non-profit management and has worked with Safe Havens since 2002.
Link: Where Faith and Safety Meet: Building Partnerships with Faith Communities to Keep Older Adults Safer
Topics: Multidisciplinary Teams, Overview/General, Prevention/Intervention
Access: Download, Web-based
Intended Use: Self-directed Learning, Teaching Others
Audience: Caregivers, Community, Health Care, Social Services