Webinar: Signs of Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation
Source: National Center on Law and Elder Rights
Published: 2019
Webinar for the Signs of Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation.
American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging
The mission of the American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging (ABA Commission) is to serve
as the collaborative, interdisciplinary leader of the Association’s work to strengthen and secure the legal rights,
dignity, autonomy, quality of life, and quality of care of aging persons, particularly low-income and vulnerable
elders. Since 1979, the ABA Commission has carried out this mission through research, policy development,
technical assistance, advocacy, education, and training.
Key Lessons
1. Lawyers and others who work with older adults should be aware of signs of physical, emotional, and
behavioral abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
2. Unexplained changes in behavior, such as fear, nervousness, or changes in emotional stability can be an
indicator of a wide array of issues.
3. Financial exploitation is the unauthorized theft of money or property of a person, however, not all
exploitation leaves a person unable to meet basic needs.
4. Always be observant. If something is concerning, extend the conversation and ask questions.
5. Know when to consult with Adult Protective Services, law enforcement, a social worker, or other
Link: Webinar: Signs of Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation
Topics: Financial Abuse, Neglect
Access: Web-based
Intended Use: Self-directed Learning
Audience: Advocates, Caregivers