Understanding and Utilizing State Elder Abuse Statutes
Source: NCLER
Published: 2020
Every advocate should know and understand the elder abuse statutes in their state. The statutes define elder abuse, establish who is eligible for services from Adult Protective Services (APS), define reporting responsibilities in the state, specify available civil legal remedies, and set the general framework for APS or law enforcement. This information empowers advocates to know what to report, when to report, who to report to, and what the process may be when a report is filed. Advocates should understand the elder abuse statutes and develop working relationships before they need them.
This training includes:
• Developing a model of who is eligible for services from APS based on state elder abuse statutes.
• Comparing abuse that has taken place to definitions in state law.
• Understanding relationship between state elder abuse statutes and criminal laws.
• Understanding the need for programs and services for persons not eligible under state statute or for acts not within the description of elder abuse in the state statute.
• David Godfrey, Senior Attorney, ABA Commission on Law and Aging
• Karl Urban, Senior Research Manager, WRMA and APS Technical Assistance Resource Center
Link: Understanding and Utilizing State Elder Abuse Statutes
Topics: Legal, Overview/General
Access: Download, Web-based
Intended Use: Self-directed Learning, Teaching Others
Audience: Advocates, Legal/Law Enforcement