The Prosecutors’ Resource on Elder Abuse

Source: AEquitas

Published: 2018


This Prosecutors’ Resource is designed to assist with investigating and prosecuting cases involving abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of an older victim. Due to the prevalence of elder abuse committed by individuals known to the victim who are often in a position or relationship of trust, this Resource will focus on cases involving non-stranger perpetrators. Additionally, this Resource will briefly address abuse committed in facility settings but will focus primarily on abuse committed within the community where older adults reside and abuse most often occurs. Much of the information, however, is applicable to cases no matter the setting.

Link: The Prosecutors’ Resource on Elder Abuse

Topics: Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Financial Abuse, Legal, Preparedness and Response, Prevention/Intervention, Sexual Abuse

Access: Download, Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning

Audience: Legal/Law Enforcement
