Starting a Shelter; Building a Movement: The Critical Role of Shelter in the Coordinated Community Response to Elder Abuse
Source: National Center on Elder Abuse
Published: 2019
Webinar Host: National Center on Elder Abuse
Home is often the most dangerous place for a person experiencing elder abuse, which is often committed by family members or trusted friends. Short term housing options for people experiencing abuse, such as domestic violence shelters, are often unable to accommodate an older adult’s unique medical, cognitive and cultural needs. Older adults often remain in unsafe situations because they have nowhere else to go. The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elder Justice at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale, the nation’s first elder abuse shelter located in a long term care facility, opened its doors in 2005 to address this gap in service. In the nearly fifteen years since then, elder abuse shelter has evolved from a program into a movement, with shelters in a growing number of communities around the country, each adapting the model to its unique needs and resources. The SPRiNG (Shelter Partners: Regional. National. Global.) Alliance ®, a community of practice for shelter programs worldwide, was created in 2012 to lend structure and build capacity for the burgeoning movement.
On this webinar, intended for professionals of a variety of disciplines in the elder justice field, Joy Solomon, Esq., Founder, Director and Managing Attorney of the Weinberg Center, and Jessica Hernandez, LCSW, Social Service Supervisor at Adult Protective Services in Sonoma County, California, will discuss the unique role of shelter in a coordinated community response to elder abuse, describe the evolution and growth of their own models, and provide practical tools for bringing shelter to your community.
Topics: Domestic Violence in Later Life, Legal, Multidisciplinary Teams, Physical Abuse, Prevention/Intervention
Access: Download, Web-based (Fee)
Intended Use: Self-directed Learning
Audience: Advocates, Community, Legal/Law Enforcement, Social Services