Role of Decision Supports in Elder Abuse Prevention and Recovery
Source: National Center on Law and Elder Abuse
Published: 2021
Decision supports maximize independence and self-determination and empower older adults to use trusted supports, selected by the person, to provide help in making informed choices. Older adults who experience abuse or exploitation may lose existing supports and supporters and require new or enhanced supports in place. Many older adults need assistance identifying which types of decision supports are needed and how to choose supporters and develop a trustworthy support network. Oversight and accountability should be planned to identify abuse or exploitation so that interventions can happen if needed.
This webcast will explore strategies for determining decision supports for individuals who have experienced abuse, do not have easily identifiable persons to serve as supports, and/or need assistance with building and maintaining a support network.
After attending this training, attendees will be able to:
Identify person-centered decision supports that maximize self-determination;
Describe ways to provide assistance identifying supporters and create and maintain a support network; and
List two or more tools to use to create oversight and accountability.
• David Godfrey
• Elizabeth Moran, ABA Commission on Law and Aging
Link: Role of Decision Supports in Elder Abuse Prevention and Recovery
Topics: Legal, Overview/General, Prevention/Intervention
Access: Web-based
Intended Use: Self-directed Learning
Audience: Caregivers, Community, Legal/Law Enforcement, Social Services