Promising Practice Spotlight: Quality Assurance in Hawaii
Source: APS Technical Assistance Resource Center
Published: 2019
This webinar highlights promising practices from the Hawaii Department of Human Services, Social Services Division, which received an ACL APS Enhancement Grant. in 2016. Hawaii designed an electronic quality assurance case review tool to audit cases, collect input, and analyze data to be transmitted into the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS). Staff from Hawaii APS discuss the project, provide a brief demonstration of the tool, and discuss challenges and lessons learned.
Kawika Ki’ili, Software Development Center, University of Hawaii Maui
Scott Seto, Social Services Division, Hawaii Department of Human Services
Donna Shitabata, Social Services Division, Hawaii Department of Human Services
Tammy Tom, Center on Aging, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Lori Tsuruda, Social Services Division, Hawaii Department of Human Services
Link: Promising Practice Spotlight: Quality Assurance in Hawaii
Topics: Mandatory Reporting, Screening/Assessment
Access: Web-based
Intended Use: Self-directed Learning
Audience: Social Services