Prevention in Action: Investing in Healthy Families and Communities
Source: APS Technical Assistance Resource Center
Published: 2021
How can we stop violence before it happens? This webinar explores new possibilities in prevention, drawing on lessons learned from CDC’s DELTA FOCUS programs for preventing intimate partner violence across the country. The presenter offers opportunities to integrate community-level prevention approaches into daily practice and demonstrate the impact of this investment in creating a more equitable world. Participants will learn ways to cultivate meaningful relationships with multidisciplinary community partners to bring us closer to our shared horizon.
NOTE: This webinar contains videos not recorded during the live event. You may view those videos with the following links: Moving Forward (Centers for Disease Control) | When I am an Elder (Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault) | Benefit of Therapeutic Horticulture on Women Who’ve Experienced Violence (University of Kentucky)
Video: Recording
Link: Prevention in Action: Investing in Healthy Families and Communities
Topics: Mandatory Reporting, Overview/General, Prevention/Intervention, Screening/Assessment
Access: Web-based
Intended Use: Self-directed Learning
Audience: Advocates, Community, Social Services