Findings from an Innovative Prevention Intervention for Self-Neglect in Primary Care

Source: National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA)

Published: 2024


Researchers tested a new method to prevent self-neglect in older adults receiving primary healthcare. They studied 477 patients, dividing them into two groups. One group got regular care, while the other received home visits from social workers who checked for self-neglect or abuse and provided care plans and case management. Over a year, 32 patients were reported to Adult Protective Services, mostly for reasons other than self-neglect. The intervention group had fewer increases in depression, especially among those with severe impairments. They received services like food assistance and home modifications, with a total of 1,126 services provided.

Link: Findings from an Innovative Prevention Intervention for Self-Neglect in Primary Care

Topics: Caregiving, Self-neglect

Access: Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning

Audience: Advocates, Caregivers, Health Care
