Estate Planning and Financial Abuse Issues in APS ILT

Source: San Diego State University School of Social Work

Published: 2019


Course Description
In this interactive and informative advanced training, participants learn the foundations of estate planning and its relation to financial abuse.  They learn how to identify estate planning documents to enhance their investigations into financial abuse allegations including specific areas of actual and potential abuse. Participants will have multiple opportunities to physically review common estate planning documents and gain helpful insight on specifics to look for in their investigations. Investigation and interviewing techniques including how to document their investigations so that they are more likely to be accepted for prosecution will be covered and participants will walk away feeling more confident in investigating these complex and common abuse allegations.

Link: Estate Planning and Financial Abuse Issues in APS ILT

Topics: Legal, Multidisciplinary Teams, Prevention/Intervention, Screening/Assessment

Access: Download

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning

Audience: Finance, Legal/Law Enforcement
