Enhancing Your Investigative Skills: Interviewing Alleged Perpetrators Multi-Module VIRTUAL Training

Source: Academy for Professional Excellence

Published: 2021


Course Description
Interviewing alleged perpetrators is a key part of conducting an APS investigation. However, for many reasons, APS professionals may not conduct them as often as other types of interviews. This training is designed to advance the ability of APS professionals to effectively interview alleged perpetrators and provides multiple opportunities for participants to practice those skills in a virtual training environment.

This is a multi-module virtual training composed of three modules, including individual practice. Participants will first complete Module 1 in the virtual classroom, then, Module 2: Individual Practice, on their own, and finally Module 3 in the virtual classroom. Each module is full of interaction, opportunities for critical thinking, and skill building.

Course Materials
Executive Summary
Trainer Manual
Participant Manual
Interviewing Alleged Perpetrator Tip Sheet
Interviewing Alleged Perpetrators Quick Reference

Module 2 SCORM file for LMS

Link: Enhancing Your Investigative Skills: Interviewing Alleged Perpetrators Multi-Module VIRTUAL Training

Topics: Mandatory Reporting, Multidisciplinary Teams, Overview/General, Prevention/Intervention, Screening/Assessment

Access: Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning

Audience: Social Services
