Elder Abuse: Mandatory and Permissive Reporting for Lawyers

Source: National Center on Law and Elder Abuse

Published: 2019


When working with older adults, lawyers may be faced with legal and ethical decisions about when and how to report suspected elder abuse. In making these decisions, lawyers must balance the ethical need to honor their client’s autonomy, with potential legal requirements to intervene. An understanding of mandatory and permissive reporting laws is essential for lawyers working in this field.

This webcast will introduce lawyers to the concept of mandatory and permissive reporting, and provide an overview of the analysis a lawyer should take when determining how to proceed in circumstances of suspected abuse. Participants will learn how to:

• Analyze reporting obligations
• Determine who is a mandatory reporter in their state
• Inform clients about mandatory reporting requirements
• Weigh the benefits and burdens of reporting


Link: Elder Abuse: Mandatory and Permissive Reporting for Lawyers

Topics: Mandatory Reporting, Overview/General

Access: Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning

Audience: Legal/Law Enforcement
