Adult Protective Services and Dependent Adults: Sometimes it’s Messy

Source: Empowered Aging

Published: 2021


More About Kim Rutledge: Kim Rutledge was appointed Program Liaison for Adult Protective Services (APS) at the California Department of Social Services by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2019. Kim’s duties include enhancing statewide policies and procedures to promote consistent statewide APS practices and strengthening and expanding services to meet the needs of vulnerable older and dependent adults, including protecting their well-being during emergency situations. She is the CDSS ex officio representative to the State Independent the department on the CalSWEC Advisory Silence = Violence Network, a stakeholder workgroup created to bring advocates together to increase public awareness around elder and dependent adult abuse. Before coming to APS, Kim served as the Chief of the Policy and Quality Assurance Branch within the CDSS Adult Programs Division for three and a half years, overseeing policies impacting the In-Home Supportive Services program Deaf Access Program. Prior to 2016, she spent four years as the assistant legislative director of UDW/AFSCME Local 3930, a labor union that represents In-Home Supportive Services providers in numerous counties. Prior to her career in social services, Kim spent 12 years working as a professional journalist, including four years as a copy editor at the Sacramento Bee. Kim possesses a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a master’s degree in social welfare from UCLA. More About Chris Alire: Chris Alire has been with the County of San Diego HHSA Adult Protective Services for 21. The last 9 years as Program Manager. She has a Bachelors’ Degree in Social Science and a Master’s in Marriage, Family, and Child Therapy. Prior to APS work, she has worked in the field of domestic violence with the military, with the Long-Term Care Ombudsman, and Aging and Independence Services Call Center. Ms. Alire is the current chair of the CWDA’s Protective Services Operation Committee. In 2015, the San Diego County APS program won the CSAC top Innovationthe NACo Achievement Award for their work on the APS Acutely Vulnerable Adult Protocol that sought to enhance safety for vulnerable adults who are not able to communicate and are cared for by someone who has risk factors for perpetrating abuse. More About Chris Dubble: Chris Dubble, MSW, is a trainer and social worker. He is currently the Assistant Director for Training at Temple University Harrisburg. He oversees the campus’ professional development training offered through Pennsylvania and the United States in this role. Chris is a frequent workshop and keynote speaker on a wide variety of topics. He is also the Director of the Institute on Protective Services and has worked in training and consultation for adult and older adult protective services for 18 years. During his over 25-year career in social work, Chris has been both in direct practice and management at the Penn State University Hershey Medical Center. As the Director of Social Work at Hershey Medical Center, he served on the hospital’s ethics committee. Chris has also been a full-time and adjunct faculty member at Temple University Harrisburg’s Master of Social Work program. More About Christina Mills: Christina Mills has served as the Executive Director of the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) since 2017, and she has over 20 years of disability rights and independent living center services experience. As Executive Director of CFILC, Christina is responsible for seamlessly implementing six statewide programs while also building the capacity of her Independent Living Center members. Earlier this year, Christina launched California’s first cross-disability not-for-profit Disability Disaster Access & Resources (DDAR) program. The DDAR pilot program is a partnership between CFILC and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) that provides people with disabilities services and resources before, during, and after a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS). Christina recently served as an appointee of the California Master Plan for Aging (MPA), Stakeholder Advisory Committee that was charged with developing a ten-year plan focused on creating a California for All. Christina is a current council member of the California Utility Access & Functional Needs Advisory Committee, is a Commissioner of the Advisory Commission on Special Education appointed by the Board of Education, a Board Member of Disability Rights Education Defense Fund (DREDF), and co-chair of the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), International Committee. In 2019, Christina was honored by the California Association of Area Agencies on Aging (C4A) for her commitment to bridging the gap between the disability and older adult communities.

Link: Adult Protective Services and Dependent Adults: Sometimes it’s Messy

Topics: Mandatory Reporting, Multidisciplinary Teams

Access: Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning

Audience: Community, Social Services
