Addressing Abuse in Long-Term Care Facilities

Source: Pursuing Quality Long-Term Care

Published: 2022


Abuse is defined in the federal nursing home regulations as the willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or punishment with resulting physical harm, pain, or mental anguish. It can take many forms including physical abuse, verbal, sexual, mental, emotional, and financial. Even though federal law states that residents of long-term care facilities have the right to be free from abuse, it still does occur and is largely under-reported and inadequately investigated and addressed.

In this episode we are talking with Dr. Laura Mosqueda, a professor of Family Medicine and Geriatrics, and Beverley Laubert, the National Ombudsman Program Coordinator at the Administration for Community Living about abuse of those living in long-term care facilities – an issue that affects thousands of residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care settings.

Recent data indicates increased concern about incidences of abuse in long-term care facilities. That, along with the fact that June 15 is designated as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), made us think it was important and timely to talk about this issue.


Link: Addressing Abuse in Long-Term Care Facilities

Topics: Caregiving, Long-term Care, Overview/General

Access: Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning

Audience: Caregivers, Health Care
