A Critical APS Partner: Understanding the Aging Network

Source: Adult Protective Services Technical Assistance Resource Center

Published: 2023


This webinar provides an overview of a critical APS partnership: The network of services and providers known as the Aging Network. Funded by the Older American’s Act (OAA), under the oversight of the Administration for Community Living, the Aging Network is a vital resource in meeting the needs of APS clients. The webinar covers the basic structure, mission, and services with a discussion of the practical implications for APS programs. The Presenters, Karl Urban and Jason Wagner, have worked for the Aging Network at the state and local level, currently work on OAA projects with ACL, and will bring real world experience to the presentation. Experienced APS staff may learn something new, or have an opportunity to ask questions they need answered, and new APS staff will learn about program to help their clients.

Video Recording

Link: A Critical APS Partner: Understanding the Aging Network

Topics: Multidisciplinary Teams


Intended Use: Self-directed Learning

Audience: Social Services
