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The Value of Participating on Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams

Source: Elder Justice Initiative (EJI)

Published: 2024


Elder abuse multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are expanding across the country and yet not all communities are familiar with them. This session begins with a brief introduction to multidisciplinary teams (MDTs), followed by a presentation on the nature and functioning of tribal protection teams and jurisdictional challenges. Attendees then will learn from an experienced team about the value of participating on an MDT. A live demonstration will be provided by the Montgomery County Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Team showing how MDTs function and the benefit to law enforcement investigations.

Link: The Value of Participating on Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams

Topics: Multidisciplinary Teams

Access: Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning

Audience: Legal/Law Enforcement


Tending to Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams

Source: APS Technical Assistance Resource Center

Published: 2020


Creating and sustaining an elder abuse multidisciplinary team (MDT) is a complex task. This webinar explores ways to sustain your work in our current climate and beyond. Talitha Guinn-Shaver, a Multidisciplinary Team Technical Advisor with the US Department of Justice’s Elder Justice Initiative, looks at what we know about successful MDTs from research and practice and discusses ways to overcome common challenges.


Link: Tending to Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams

Topics: Multidisciplinary Teams

Access: Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning



Locked Away: Human Trafficking of At-Risk Adults

Source: California Elder Justice Coalition

Published: 2023


Webinar Recording 

Additional Resources mentioned during the webinar:

  • False Imprisonment VideoFrom the Elder Abuse Guide for Law Enforcement (EAGLE) website, this video was shown during the webinar
  • Resident QuestionnairePlease use this as a guide when questioning and interviewing victims of Benefits Trafficking. Some questions may not apply to the specific situation and may be omitted. 

Each day, older adults and adults with disabilities are being trafficked for their government benefits such as Social Security and Veterans’ benefits. Recruitment by traffickers happens through hospitals, jails, homeless shelters, mental health providers, and legitimate licensed care facilities. Victims are often locked away, living in deplorable conditions, robbed of their money, and unable to reach out for help. Learn how to spot the signs of this emerging type of trafficking and how to protect at-risk adult victims.


Anna Thomas is the manager of the Division of Aging Services – Forensic Special Initiatives Unit and most recently a Forensic Specialist with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Crimes Against the Elderly and Disabled Task Force (CADE). CADE’s mission is to protect elder and disabled adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation, prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elder and disabled adults, and to prosecute offenders. Currently, her work with the CADE Task Force centers on training primary and secondary responders how to recognize and respond to elder and disabled adult abuse, researching gaps in current victim services, developing new laws to protect vulnerable adults, and public outreach. Her most recent projects are the launch of state-wide Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs) and raising awareness of Benefits Trafficking.

This webinar is made possible by a grant from California Health Advocates Senior Medicare Patrol.

Link: Locked Away: Human Trafficking of At-Risk Adults

Topics: Financial Abuse, Legal, Prevention/Intervention

Access: Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning

Audience: Advocates, Legal/Law Enforcement


MDT Guide and Toolkit

Source: The United States Department of Justice

Published: 2017



The goal of this guide is to encourage and facilitate the development and growth of elder abuse case review Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs). In this guide, you will find information about MDT structures and functions, along with common issues with which a team will need to grapple in developing a case review MDT. There is no one way to create or maintain a MDT. Therefore, this guide offers a variety of ideas, sample materials, resources and tools intended to guide the development and sustainability of an MDT.

Any community can start an MDT. The form and function of your MDT will depend on the community in which it is developed. It may at times be frustrating as you face obstacles in your community. This guide can assist you in anticipating and planning for challenges and applying the knowledge and experiences of other MDTs to the development of your team.

Currently, the elder abuse MDT approach has received little empirical evaluation, although there are exceptions. However, there are no published studies that provide clear direction on how to create and maintain high functioning MDTs in any discipline, although work in this direction is burgeoning. Therefore, this guide draws heavily upon MDTs in other disciplines (child abuse, education, business, medicine).

Link: MDT Guide and Toolkit

Topics: Mandatory Reporting, Multidisciplinary Teams, Overview/General, Prevention/Intervention

Access: Web-based

Intended Use: Self-directed Learning, Teaching Others

Audience: Advocates, Health Care, Social Services
